Do Not Buy a Drop Foot Leg Brace Online – Why AFO Braces Need To Be Provided By a Professional

Do you find it more difficult to walk due to a foot drop?

Do you feel like you need to move past your foot drop and are now looking for some quality information to treat the issue?


Foot drop can stem from many conditions, but the bottom line is the same. You are going to have more trouble when you walk with this gait problem, because you have trouble lifting your foot up normally when you take a step. Common reasons why people suffer from foot drop are: multiple sclerosis, a traumatic brain injury, stroke, cerebral palsy and a brain tumor. These are common reasons why people have a drop foot. On the other hand, some people have a condition in which they just get more tired and longer walks make it difficult for your muscles to work as well as they used to.

So, the problem exists, but now you are really wanting to know what you can do about it, right?

You want to know what is available that actually works and want to avoid any gimmicks, correct?

These are honest questions. People are tired of wasting their time and money on things that do not work. It seems like there are so many things like that out there and as we get older we do not want to be involved in some sort of scheme. People want the “sure thing”. – Moreover, we all know that there are so many products available on the market, but how are you going to know which ones are the best, right?

The following information will discuss what medical professionals, called orthotists, use to help their patient’s with foot drop. These individuals have been trained in the field of orthotics and you will be surprised to find how much they can help you if you have foot drop. Have a look at the following two products.

A.) Traditional AFOs

These are braces that can effectively help people walk better. It can help people walk more smoothly if they have foot drop and many other walking conditions that can slow down the pace at which you walk. Usually, these braces are made from a thin plastic and can slip into a shoe. The great thing about AFOs (ankle foot orthoses) is that they can be easily hidden by the use of a pair of pants. This is why you probably don’t see many people wearing them today.

Really be careful of buying these types of braces online. Why? Because not all of them are made equally. For example, many medical professionals that are not brace specialists, will call all types of AFOs (ankle foot orthoses) the same thing. But they are not! – There are solid ankle AFOs, hinged AFOs, posterior leaf springs and solid ankle AFOs, just to name a few. You will need a professional to work with you, not only to get you the best type for your needs, but to also custom fit the brace to you. Many online shops will just send an AFO to you and not evaluate your needs. Plus what if a small part of the brace needs to be sanded away to improve the fit and comfort of your brace so it does not rub on your skin the wrong way? The online store will have no idea how to optimize your fit. They will simply take the brace back if you do not like it. Professional brace providers called orthotists will customize the brace to your needs.

B.) The WalkAide System

There are many products out there that claim to help people walk better and don’t. This is Not one of those bogus products. The WalkAide system is an FDA approved device that can help people walk better if they have foot drop. It helps a person to lift their foot as they walk and you do not have to necessarily wear a brace if you use this product. Ask your local, licensed orthotist for more information and to see if you are a candidate for the WalkAide.

Note: This is good health information, written by an orthotist. However, you should get medical advice on your needs from your local, licensed orthotist. They can evaluate your orthotic needs in person and get you the best medical advice and care possible, for your brace needs.

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