Ladies if you are serious about losing that belly fat then you have got to execute exercises that go beyond the jogging and the crunches. Jogging and crunches are not nearly as effective as the drill I am about to introduce to you. If you are wanting to take your workouts to the next level and achieve some serious results then you have got to execute the kettlebell swing lift! Read on if I have your attention.
Single Best Exercise For Women To Lose Belly Fat!
Ladies by now you may have either heard of or seen the ancient kettlebell. This particular strength and conditioning device has been around now for over three centuries and has contributed to developing some of the most beautifully athletically fit bodies on the planet. If you are wanting to get rid of your stomach then you have got to utilize the ancient kettlebell by executing the base lift with it known as the swing lift.
You see the truth is that in order to eliminate your belly fat you have got to speed up your metabolism, period. The only way for you to speed up your metabolism is to significantly raise your level of perceived exertion and the kettlebell swing is a great exercise for helping you to do just that. This single exercise involves over 80{a3acb2be643effc4b7b4b3705df5cb2eae026059a1d075d54be8af4d92e7e619} of your working muscles and will give you the cardio of a race horse. The more you include this single lift into your normal routine the more you will watch your midsection shrink day after day and week after week. The swing lift is performed by you initiating your hips and knees in a constant motion of flexion and extension in order to create the momentum to swing the bell back and forth like a pendulum. This is as intense and effective of a workout as any if you are super serious about losing your fat stomach!
Ladies if you are wanting to put the “BS” fad workouts, diets, and so-called magical pills behind you to get some truly hard hitting noticeable results then you have got to learn the kettlebell swing! There is no better way and this is the healthy way to do it. If you are interested in learning more then feel free to access more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember ladies that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!