Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder and author of the number 1 best selling e-book, “Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle.” His credentials and achievements are impressive:
-BSc. in exercise science
-Certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS)
-Certified personal trainer (NSCA-CPT)
-International Society for Sports Nutrition (ISSN) member
-American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) member
-National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) member
-Three-time regional and state competitive bodybuilding champion
-2nd place in the Mr. Natural USA contest
-2nd in the Mr. Natural North America contests
If you are looking to gain muscle, lose stubborn fat, or even more difficult, do both at the same time, then “Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle” is a must read. Tom shows exactly how to walk the fine line where doing both at the same time is possible, and why many fail without the proper tools & knowledge. Turbo-charge your metabolism without drugs or supplements using little-known secrets of the world’s best bodybuilders and fitness models, read “Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle”
Burn The Fat Inner Circle was born in September 2006 and is billed as “The Internet’s Premier Fat Loss Support Community”. Thousands have read & benefited from Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle and have transformed their bodies and their lives. Burn The Fat Inner Circle aims to add new elements, missing for many, in their muscle building/weight loss journey: accountability, support, coaching, advice, tips, and resources not found anywhere else.
Burn The Fat Inner Circle is a membership site; it currently costs $9.95 per month. Once you join your price will never increase, and you can cancel anytime right online
But you never will want to. Inner Circle is LOADED with tons of material, and they are of the highest quality. It would take weeks or months to go through them all, and with new content being added all the time, you will never catch up.
So you may be thinking “why should I pay to join a membership site when there is so much free stuff out there?”
Why do you ever pay for anything? It’s because you need it (food, clothes), or because you want it (plasma TV, fancy car) right? Every purchase comes down to a “what is this going to do for me?” decision. What problem is it going to solve, or what desire will it meet? Will it make my life better? Am I getting value for my money?
The answers to those questions are up to you. You may need to lose weight, you may want to look better, you may want to build muscle & have a “ripped” body. Maybe extra weight is a problem for you. Whatever the reason you are reading this and considering Inner Circle only you know.
For me, I absolutely believe Tom’s book, and Inner Circle, offer fantastic value, and will make (and have made) my life better. I think it will do the same for you, which is why am bothering to write this. I have owned Tom’s book and lived by its principles since 2003. The only thing missing was some sort of ongoing interaction with, and updated information from Tom. There is always new research being done, and new reports about this being good for you now, that being bad, and Inner Circle grants access to an expert I have come to know and trust, to help cut through some of the confusion.
There are a lot of free things out there, but often you get what you pay for. If something is free it’s often because it’s of such poor quality no one will pay for it, or it’s simply a marketing tactic to get you to buy something. You can search around for free stuff and be confused by all the contradictory information and ads out there, be pulled into buying expensive drugs or supplements that sound like miracle cures (‘lose 30 pounds in 30 days’, ‘build big muscles why you sleep’, etc).
Why pay for Inner Circle? Here are some reasons it’s worth it:
Time is valuable, and one of the few things you can’t get more of. All you need to build muscle and lose fat (or both at the same time) is here.
Credible, up-to-date information: Tom knows what he is talking about, he practices what he preaches, and is always adding new content. If you have a question not answered by any of the info available you can ask it in the forums. Tom may even answer it personally.
If Tom doesn’t answer you himself, it’s very likely someone on the forums will. Tom’s Burn The Fat Inner Circle contains about 20 different member’s forums with thousands of members. The other members are also paying because they are serious about getting fit, so you can be sure you will get some quality feedback from them or from one of the professional who moderate the forums qualified to respond.
These are some of the forums available:
-Main Burn The Fat Forum
-Beginner’s Forum
-Female Fat Loss Forum
-Fat Loss After 40 Forum
-Recipes Forum
-Home Training Forum
-Fitness Equipment Forum
-100 Pound Club
-Find a Training Partner Forum
-Cardio Forum
-Weight Training Forum
-Contest Preparation Forum
-Goals and Motivation Forum
-Supplements Forum
-Gaining Muscle Forum
-Progress Journals forum
-Critique Board Forum
You don’t have to own the Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle e-book, or be on Tom’s system to join or benefit from Inner Circle. There is a ton of great material on this site that will benefit anyone no matter what diet (if any) they are on. Many of the members are familiar with the book however, as it is often referred to in the forums, so you may wish to get the book here, or simply take in some of its “nuggets” offered on the forum, and make a decision later.
What else does Burn The Fat Inner Circle have to offer? Here is a list of some of what you will enjoy:
-Every episode of Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat Show (A Members-Only MP3 Audio Program)
-Audio interviews with top fitness and fat loss experts
-Amazing fat loss success stories – learn how others just like you achieved their impressive body transformations
-Ever-expanding library of exclusive (not published elsewhere) articles
-Exclusive (not published elsewhere) Burn The Fat program Q & A
-Library of downloadable e-books and e-reports for members only
-Diet and menu tracking and planning tools
-Calorie and nutrient information at your fingertips
-Weight loss and fitness news headlines
-Community photo galleries
-Delicious taste-tested fat-burning recipes
-Science-based and unbiased supplement reviews
The bottom line is that this site is loaded with tons of great material, all the more impressive since it has only been around since September 2006.
Tom Venuto is a credible, qualified professional. His “Inner Circle” is full of his many years of education, research, and experience. One look at his photo will tell you know he knows what he is talking about when it comes to fitness and nutrition! It is a quality resource worth much more than he charges, and a benefit to anyone who wants or needs to lose weight, look or feel better, or build rippling muscles.